                       [Sahaja Yoga]

        Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being. Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.

        One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of the world.This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking place now, worldwide, and has been proved and experienced by hundreds of thousands in over ----90 countries----.It is entirely free of charge, as one cannot pay for the experience of Divine Love.

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Google Groups Alert for: Orkut

abt orkut mobile
ashvek [email address] orkut-help-profiles hello everybody,
iam raja., iam a die hard fan of orkut....i do frequently login to orkut via my
mobile ...i used opera mini, and i have a nokia 6300 orkut worked fantastically
via my mobile....now from yesterday whenever i login via my mobile into orkut ...
Profile and Friends - Jun 20, 2008 by ashvek - 2 message - 2 author

Mobile Layout of Orkut dropped Community feature
Now when mobile user points itself to orkut website the page is taken
to http://m.orkut.com and the display of this orkut is different that desktop
layout you see when you ... Previous to this layout orkut were able to access the
community and profile and all other things simmilar to desktop browser, but since they ...
Communication: Messages, Mobile, Scraps, etc. - Jun 20, 2008 by MaheshKale - 5 message - 4 author

-vicky- [email address] orkut-help-communities Hello please see http://groups.
google.com/group/orkut-help-communities/browse_thr ead/thread/c96a77fa1e88cd10#
Thanks for reporting hope orkut will take action soon Regards Vicky On Jun 20,
8:58 pm, rajaram wrote: ...
Communities - Jun 20, 2008 by -vicky- - 4 message - 3 author

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                       [Sahaja Yoga]

        Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being. Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.

        One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of the world.This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking place now, worldwide, and has been proved and experienced by hundreds of thousands in over ----90 countries----.It is entirely free of charge, as one cannot pay for the experience of Divine Love.

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Google Blogs Alert for: Orkut

» Gmail in Orkut - Application Overview
By Gaurav(Gaurav)
Our Orkuteer Prashant has come up with a very cool application for orkut which allows an orkut member to check and operate his/her gmail account from orkut. This is a very cool application which is very neat, clean and simple. ...
Orkut Plus ! - http://www.orkutplus.org/

Send scrap to all orkut friend.
By Praful
@description It sends scrap to all of ur friends at once I'm not the real author but modified the contents // @include *.orkut.com/Scrap.aspx* // ==/UserScript==. function fwScrap() { document.title = "Orkut - Scrap all Friends"; ...
My Blog - http://prafulkr.wordpress.com

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Google Groups Alert for: Orkut

Re: Orkut insensitive to feeling of Hindus
Shukla [email address] orkut-help-communities Hi, This is very disheartening
to see how Hinduism is being mocked in Orkut. It has been so long yet nothing
seem to happening from Orkut side. It's very easy to find that this is a hacked
community and as can be clearly seen old topics of the Brazilian porn ...
Communities - Jun 19, 2008 by Avinash.Shukla - 60 message - 35 author

Re: Orkut user Verification
It would be good if Orkut could accept some scanned documents like photo IDs and
on human verification, authenticate the profile. An authenticated profile shall
remain authenticated till the person changes vital details like Name, date of
birth, place of birth etc. Orkut could appoint a ambassadors (volunteers) to ...
Suggestions & Feedback - Jun 19, 2008 by =?UTF-8?B?QXJhdmluZCDimaXigKLOuWduzrnPhM614oiCINC8zrlu4oiCxaHigKLimaXihKI=?= - 2 message - 2 author

Orkut user Verification
Lord Loh. [email address] orkut-help-suggestions Orkut should have a system to
verify a profile to be of a real person. It would be good if Orkut could accept
some scanned documents like photo IDs and on human verification, authenticate
the profile. An authenticated profile shall remain authenticated till the ...
Suggestions & Feedback - Jun 19, 2008 by Lord Loh. - 2 message - 2 author

Re: orkut persistent data app question
For example, here's an application I wrote running on my own orkut profile:
http://sandbox.orkut.com/Application.aspx?uid=361400378376578533 9&appId=118738807794
Note that you can see my profile picture when you load the URL, meaning that you
are the viewer and I am the owner. Developers usually find it convenient ...
OpenSocial Application Development - Jun 19, 2008 by Arne Roomann-Kurrik (Google) - 5 message - 3 author

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Google Blogs Alert for: Orkut

Download Orkut Toolbar for Firefox 3
By Rahul Bansal
Orkut Toolbar helps you to format the text of your posts in the Orkut forums, easily access all common functions of orkut, create and manage custom signatures and insert and view images and flash movies in orkut posts and scraps. ...
Welcome To Devils Workshop - http://www.devilsworkshop.org

Orkut-MTV Roadies Google Ad is Interesting!
By Abhinav
MTV Roadies Orkut Application is using Google Adwords to promote itself on the internet. The image created for this purpose is quite interesting. Take a look… Interestingly, it uses the phrase, "Ab Phategi" which is local Hindi language ...
Abhinav Sonkar's Blog - http://www.abhinavsonkar.com

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Ankara ormanla kucaklaşıyor

ANKARALILAR Çevre ve Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü’nün pazar günü Ankara Çamkoru Bölgesi’nde düzenleyeceği ’Ormanla Kucaklaşma ve Doğa Yürüyüşü’nde buluşuyor.

Çevre Bakanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamaya göre, Kızılcahamam ve Çamlıdere’de düzenlenecek etkinliklere katılmak isteyen Ankaralılar, davetiyelerini Güven Park, Abdi İpekçi Parkı, Kuğulu Park, Ankamall, Orman Genel Müdürlüğü tesislerinde kurulan kayıt kabul stantlarından 5 YTL karşılığında bu akşama kadar alabilecek.

Servisler pazar sabahı 8.30’da üç ayrı bölgeden kalkarken, programın dönüş saati 18.30 olarak duyuruldu. 5 bin kişinin katılması beklenen etkinlikte Soner Arıca ve İbrahim Can konserleri de gerçekleştirilecek.



Bu e-posta, sadece yukarıda adı geçen kişiler arasında özel haberleşme amacı taşımaktadır.
Petrol İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü (PİGM), bu mesajın içeriği ile ilgili hiç bir sorumluluk kabul etmez.

This e-mail is intended for the private communications of the persons named above only.
General Directorate of Petroleum Affairs does not accept any responsibilities for the contents of this message.


HaYaT KiSa, DoLu DoLu Ya$a...


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